Community This guy deserves a Call of Duty Trophy..

By DragonKiss83 — February 28, 2011
Tags: blog call-of-duty-black-ops high-kd video

A trophy for being a total duche.

It's crap like this that makes FPS suck.  It's bad enough having your ass handed to you by a pro, or having a 12 year old kid kid lucky and talk shit, but it's people like this who deserve a swift kick in the nuts.

Can anyone tell me how that's fun?  What a fucking jimmy.

Don't be a Jimmy lets hear what you think.

Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty Black Ops Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Nov 9, 2010

Buy it! 35% - Rent it! 50% - Flush it! 15%

Oh my gawd, these types of videos depress and amuse me at the same time. Can't hate him too much because it is a combination of skill and luck, but yes it's ridiculous. Like, 50 kills makes sense, but 501? come on. Some of it could be boosting, a little ridiculous how he got so many kills in a lot of places where dudes just didn't move, like he literally stood in one spot firing/stabbing and kills like 30 guys.

(also for your vid, copy and paste the share button under the video for your code ;D)

iorilamia rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by iorilamia


Then again I don't know much about Black Ops, are the spawn locations that retarted/can't change?


iorilamia rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by iorilamia


NVM, they were BOOSTING, check this video out, dudebro breaks the video down and shows how the other team was literally spawning, shooting (for red dot) and running in the open, over and over.

iorilamia rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by iorilamia


That makes it even worse.

DragonKiss83 rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

grey walrus

Video is private.

grey walrus rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by grey walrus


well the lasted less than half a day.

Short version some clown boosted his way too 501 - 8 and turn out it was boosting.

DragonKiss83 rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83


what the hell is this a glicth video

kof2012 rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Flush it
Mar 7, 2011 by kof2012


I'm seeing a lot less of this stupid crap now, maybe the cheaters all bought Brink then found an open window.

DragonKiss83 rated Call of Duty: Black Ops Rent it
May 31, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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