Time Stamped! Remember Me GamesCom 2012 Actual Gameplay

By goukijones — September 6, 2012
Tags: gamescom time-stamped video

This is my first look of what Remember Me will actually play like. The video is time stamped with my takes for your viewing pleasure. I'd love to hear what you thought in the comments.

0:34 Video actually starts.

1:20 Quality voice acting.

1:45 Classic video game cliche, front door is locked so guy on the computer has to find another way in.

2:40 The graphics are stunning. The running and jumping doesn't look smooth at all. A poor man's Mirror's Edge/Uncharted.

3:50 This Jimmy in the helicopter is a good shot.

4:17 Open doors with a power glove, heard. Kinect mechanic?

5:00 The combat looks okay. Batman ricochet fighting style. Bouncing from 1 enemy to another.

5:05 Holy shit over the top violence!

5:20 Maybe that isn't blood.

6:20 Oh shit! It just turned into Deus Ex.

6:27 Planting the bomb on the guy is the coolest thing I've seen so far.

6:34 Why isn't he shooting into the window now? As good as a shot he was early, he wouldn't miss in this room.

6:35 Oh there he goes! Terrible.

7:05 Is that shit killing the security guards or what?

8:43 I thought it said steal money at first. lol. This game is being played on he PS3.

9:12 All of the sudden, can't hit shit.

9:21 Video actually ends.

9:35 A Facebook website. Sad face. This game is so cheap it doesn't even have it's own website.

Well I'm not thrilled with this gameplay. This is the best look I've got of Remember Me since it was announced. I'm not impressed. Looks like a Jimmy ass game that I will probably pass on if it came out next week. I mention in the time stamps that it started to remind me of Deus Ex, but I forgot about that almost right away. For those of you who don't know I love DX:HR. Play that!

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Remember Me

Remember Me

6 Stories

Release Date: Jun 4, 2013

Buy it! 33% - Rent it! 67% - Flush it! 0%

Looks like just another lackluster game to me.

dragonkiss83 has not rated Remember Me yet.
Sep 10, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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