Tomb Raider: Ascension? Video of What Could Have Been?
By cinderkin —
March 19, 2013
Tomb Raider was rebooted this year with it's latest title, but before that we almost got Tomb Raider: Ascension instead. Check out the footage.
The footage here looks like a mix of Shadow of Colossus and Resident Evil, with a touch of Dead Space limb damage. The video shows Lara riding a horse, leading a girl around with a carrot it seems, and other features that didn't make the cut in the new Tomb Raider.
While I enjoyed the new Tomb Raider's single player campaign, I think adding multiplayer to the game was a mistake. Maybe if they had pulled MP we could have seen some of the features.
What do you think of Tomb Raider Ascension? Is this something you would have like to see in Tomb Raider? Is this a better direction for the franchise? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Mar 5, 2013