Two bad ass Star Wars The Force Unleashed II commercials
By goukijones —
October 12, 2010
I just saw this new Star Wars The Force Unleashed II commercial, titled: Walls TV Spot. Rail! Also the Snow TV Spot. The graphics are incredible. Granted cutscenes, but rivaling Square Enix.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2: Walls TV Spot
I just saw this for the first time. You have to admit that these graphics from LucasArts are looking incredible. We may have the Western computer graphics champion here. Some of the detail and shadows are ultra real. Not to mention the hype of the constant Vader combat. I've seen a few encounters now and this one just looks incredible. Just watch it already Jimmy, it's amazing.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2: Snow TV Spot
Basic controls here. Vader in the snow, which again, looks incredible. Disenagrated Stormtroopers ... do I need to say anything else? Railed!
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Oct 26, 2010