Two More Fighters Revealed for Dead or Alive 5

By cinderkin — August 16, 2012
Tags: dead-or-alive dead-or-alive-5 news ps3 team-ninja tecmo xbox-360

Team Ninja and Tecmo has updated their Facebook Page with new screens of the latest character reveals. Brad Wong and Elliot have joined the latest tournament.

First we have Brad Wong, the drunken master whose quest for the lovely drink Genra has come to an end. Still not entirely sure what his motives are this time around in Dead or Alive 5, but I’m sure he will be fun to play.

Up next we have Elliot who if I remember correctly was training under the legendary master Gen-Fu. Still the youngest fighter in Dead or Alive 5 and is back to kick some ass.

Anyone excited to play these two in DoA5? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

Dead or Alive 5

Dead or Alive 5 Gouki Box Art

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