Unboxing 2 Mad Catz FightSticks w/ GoukiJones

By goukijones — December 15, 2011
Tags: batrastered exclusive-video fightstick goukijones mad-catz mlg round-2 s-type unboxing

Gouki.com needed some new fight sticks. We were rockin' the vintage Round 1 Mad Catz Arcade FightStick Tournament Edition. Ridiculous long name. Well this video is myself unboxing 2 brand new sticks, an MLG and a tournament edition S-Type. Jimmy?

Just a couple of Jimmys passed liqour, way passed beer and now on to some more sophisticated wine drinking. Also there's some custom background music. It's gangsta. Make sure you turn the volume up loud enough to hear it. Please leave some comments below. Jimah!


Fight Stick Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

27 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: 2008

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