Community Utter lateness and videos to show.

By MilkyPink — February 15, 2011
Tags: blog dead-or-alive final-fantasy

I haven't been myself for the past two days...

And I would like to apologize to everyone for noticing my utter silence. Reasons are... I know I should not be revealing my personal problems here but, my Valentine's day weekend was very much horrible. To put it simple, the one guy who I've known & loved for three years has finally rejected me. So this explains my distance from everyone and my silence. And to top it off, I've gotten really sick from it physically. Fever and whatnot. As for the gif requests.. I'm really sorry for the delays but you need to wait for me. All these things happening outside of here are getting to me and I am trying to work them out. But I am slowly working on those gif signatures as I am typing this to you. But please try to be patient for me, just need to pull myself together so I can get them done faster and give them out to you ASAP.


ANYWAY Enough about that. I just thought I would clarify it right now about my strange absence and silence. Earlier this morning when I woke I came to realize I had forgotten something. I had forgotten the Dead Fantasy videos that were created by MontyOum. So I thought I would bring the topic here and show the videos. There's been alot of negative talk between the Dead or Alive side and the Final Fantasy side. To be honest, I don't find this necessary at all. And just because you can be a fan of either side, doesn't mean you should put down nasty comments such as "oh the doa side is cheap..." or "ff girls are all about being godmodders with the magic and blah blah."


I personally think these fans are not getting the concept to what Monty Oum as made. He balanced off both sides. The Dead Or Alive side rely on their skills & weapons. The Final Fantasy side rely on their magic and weapons. It's still balanced out. But I guess in the fans eyes... they seems to be more focused on their appealing presences. I don't think they see the story line that is behind the fighting. One way of another, considering how they are fighting against each other, they will end up teaming up as one to fight their true enemy.


Dead Fantasy 1



Dead Fantasy 2



Dead Fantasy 3



Dead Fantasy 4



Dead Fantasy 5



Let's discuss it here!


Well we are glad to have you back. Feel free to express yourself. This is and we are number 1 in the world, because of our great users. Turn your frowns upside down, things will always get better. ^.^

DEAD FANTASY is one of my favorite video series. I wish there was a fighting game with camera cuts and such like that. I would love. Heck I may just go on and make one!

Feb 15, 2011 by Cinderkin


@Cinderkin, thank you very much. Wish I could have had a better Valentine's weekend but perhaps maybe it's best if I try and move on. Even if I loved the idiot. T___T;

Aaah... There was one I saw of Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter somewhere. That one was really good and impressive. I should post that one up the next time if I find it on youtube. That one was crazy. And I am also looking forward to Dead Fantasy 6, that one should be out this coming summer. And I cannot wait for that.

Feb 15, 2011 by MilkyPink


Tifa vs Hitomi, good match up. Thanks for sharing the videos.

As for the personal stuff, that sucks. Hope you get back to feeling better soon.

Feb 15, 2011 by DragonKiss83


@DragonKiss83 thank you. I am trying to pick myself up. I think the guy made a terrible mistake. But I will have to move on. So I am officially single...AGAIN. >_>;

Feb 15, 2011 by MilkyPink


That is some top notch fan service! Thanks for the vids

Feb 15, 2011 by iorilamia


@iorilamia You're welcome.

Feb 15, 2011 by MilkyPink

grey walrus

Welcome back to the single boat Milky. Sorry things didn't work out for you, but I'm sure it'll get better. :)

Greats vids as well.

Feb 15, 2011 by grey walrus


@grey walrus Thank you & thank you. Still trying... but eh. I guess I will have to move on.

Feb 15, 2011 by MilkyPink

grey walrus

I think we all know how that is. v_v But trust me when I say things don't seem as hard after a little time. Time heals all wounds after all.

And keeping on the topic of Monty Oum, if you guys haven't seen Haloid it's pretty awesome as well.

Feb 15, 2011 by grey walrus


dont worry too much about your problems milky just keep your head up and move forward and besides......u still have me if that helps <3

Feb 15, 2011 by blazemanx


:) That's very sweet of you @ blaze, thank you.

Feb 15, 2011 by MilkyPink


nice video hope you get better

Feb 16, 2011 by kof2012

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