VV2 Set for January 24, 2015 $500 Pot Bonus Ultra Street Fighter IV

By goukijones — November 11, 2014
Tags: gameworks las-vegas news vegas-violence

LIVE from GameWorks in Las Vegas, NV on Janaury 24th 2015 Gouki.com will host Vegas Violence 2 that will start off with a $500 pot bonus.

Max pot value $1710 (64 players)

Register now on tournaments.gouki.com

$15 Buy-in

$15 Entry

$30 total.

$500 Pot Bonus to start.  

$250 Pot Bonus added from GameWorks.  (12/24/2014)

With each entry the pot will increase $15.

$40 at the door.  Emergency on site registration.  11AM-11:30AM.

Doors open @11AM & warmup stations will be available.  

Matches will begin at NOON.

This is an all ages event.

BYOC* Bring your own controller.

This a double elimination tournament.

Top 3 is 3/5

100% of the buy-in = 1st Place 70% 2nd Place 20% 3rd Place %10

The winner of the tournament will receive a 2 day pass to the LVL UP EXPO in May.

System: XBOX 360

The highest placed non sponsored finisher from Las Vegas will recieve a full sponsorship package from Gouki.com for EVO 2015.

This is a ranked tournament.  This tournament will be live streamed & the top 3 will be featured on Gouki.com.

Bookmark Gouki.tv or follow GoukiJones on Twitch.

For live tweets follow @GoukiNews on Twitter.  Like Gouki on Facebook & join the event.

Vegas Violence 1 was our first tournament & it took place 2 years ago.

Ultra Street Fighter IV

Ultra Street Fighter IV Gouki Box Art

59 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Jun 3, 2014

Buy it! 100% - Rent it! 0% - Flush it! 0%

Original source.

[UPDATED] Jan 21, 2015 3:18:15 PM

Jan 21, 2015 by goukijones

Capcom Cup Swag to be raffled off at VV2. Jan24 2015.  1 raffle ticket per paid entry.


[UPDATED] Jan 22, 2015 4:04:06 PM

Jan 22, 2015 by goukijones

Raffle prize #2!

Eightarc Fight Stick & bag

You can learn more about the Eightarc Fusion Synthesis here.

You can learn more about the Eightarc Defender Stick Bag here.

You can get $10 or $15 off all orders over $15 with this coupon code.

Please support our sponsors.  Thank you. 


[UPDATED] Jan 23, 2015 11:37:21 AM

Jan 23, 2015 by goukijones

Guilty Gear Xrd added to VV2

You can register online for $20 or at the door for $25. 

You will receive 1 raffle ticket.

First place will receive a 2 day pass to LVL UP EXPO.

This tournmanet will be double elimination or Round Robin, based on entries.

This is a winner take all tournament.  If 16+ players enter, Gouki.com will add a $100 pot bonus.

@LVTFade will be hosting the matches. 

Doors open @ 11AM.  You must be checked into Guilty Gear before NOON.

**If you have already entered VV2 & would like to play in the Guilty Gear tournament you can pay your $5 buy-in @ the door.


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