Wednesday Pwnfest Lineup 11/18/09

By goukijones — November 18, 2009
Tags: bayonetta borderlands dragon-age-origins halo-3 left-4-dead-2 Modern-Warfare-2 new-super-mario-bros-wii

I have a lot of stuff I want to pwn and film today. Don't be a Jimmy!

Pwntober 3 featuring Big Merkle is going down today. I want o finish getting all of the acheivements in Borderlands. I want to make fun of Marvel Ultimate Alliance some how. That is a Jimmy ass game!

I gotta play some Modern Warfare to even though I absolutely suck at it.

Dragon Age: Origins has become a little more fun since I started over and built my character a little better. I was lookin' like a Nuab before!


Today's Lineup


Left 4 Dead 2

Modern Warfare 2

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

Dragon Age: Origins

Halo 3


Maybe some ...

Street Fighter IV


You should play the MW2 campaign for an hour or two... You might beat it.

Nov 18, 2009 by BatRastered


Just to let you know. I pwnd that day.

Oct 19, 2010 by goukijones

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