Week 2 for Street Fighter 4 Character Balance Suggestions!

By Cinderkin — March 29, 2013
Tags: capcom-unity ssf4 street-fighter video

We have now reached Week 2 of the community suggestions for balance adjustments for Street Fighter 4.

This week is: T. Hawk, Zangief, Dhalsim, Chun-Li, Blanka, Gouken, Dan, Rufus, Cody, Vega.

Over the last seven days, the Character Balance Suggestions Threads have been on fire. We here have been reading your requests and there have been some gems of knowledge there, but also a lot of wishful thinking...to put it nicely. Anyhow, we're in week two, so head over to Character Balance Suggestions threads and let us know how you would tweak the 10 characters named in the video below.

Combofiend stated that some of the previous week of suggestions where a "Doozy" and "Outlandish"  So be sure to make your voice heard with some "real" suggestions over at Capcom Unity.

What are some of your suggestions for this weeks characters? Anyone agree that Dan should become a God? Tell us what you think in the comments. Don't be a Jimmy!

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