What do I want from E3 2010?

By goukijones — May 31, 2010
Tags: e3-2010 microsoft nintendo preview sony

Don't be a Jimmy special edition of blithering and blathering. E3 2010 blog.

Let me say that this will be in no specific order. Let us get right into it. I want to play the reach multiplayer. I know the campaign will be fun so ... I'm sure it will be cool to play it at the show. Gears of War 3, not a Gears of War guy. I'm not a Call of Duty guy either. That's that for the shooters. I really want to see Brink from Bethesda. I'm not thrilled about the Fallout New Vegas which is made by a different developer this time, Obsidian Entertainment. The same Jimmys that are famous for making sequels to other great games.

In a season of its cars, Gran Turismo 5 is going to be Sony's showcase once again. Promising new and amazing brilliantly designed 3D environments. Wearing glasses are not man. You know what I mean Jimmy. What happened to Africa? Did it come out and I just don't know what I'm talking about? What the fuck was it about? Playing games now like Read Dead, I would love to drive around in a jeep in a living Africa and fuck around. Let be serious here. reipuerto mentions some ridiculous games. Little Big Planet 2, ok ... I know one Jimmy that has actually played that. Nothing about that shit is actually hard core. Maybe there is, I don't know I have never played it. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

Marvel VS Capcom 3 is very exciting. I cannot wait to see this, I've heard the game is super fast. The graphics are real free flowing and the comic book look is really cool. Marvel VS Capcom 3 will be one at the top of the first to see list. Have another drink Jimmy. Heard.

Final Fantasy XIV is another game at the top of my first to see list. I want a release date. I want to see gameplay. I want to know how frickin' much a month I'm going to get raiped on my bank account to sit in the middle of the town peddling kluptac wolf hides and firestick buns for 20gil each.

The Metroid is the only game I truly interested in seeing and playing. Because I am concered about the gameplay Jimmy. I don't want to have to switch to fist person on-the-fly to fight bosses and stuuuufff. So I want to see how that plays. Epic Mickey if it does look interesting at the show this would move up on my list. I have played some good Disney games in the day. Kingdom Hearts is nubfarm.

Please how about an update on the Vitality Sensor. I'd love to have my Wii hooked up monitoring my vitals while I play Halo Reach or ModNation Racers. ModNation Racers has me screaming at the TV. I love it. Race me. C'mon Iwata what is up with the relaxation game. Here's my Thursday afternoons in early October ... I'm playing the Shit out of Halo Reach multiplayer. The Wii Vitality Sensor is hooked up to my left nipple because I realized while playing it doesn't work on my index finger. The new Wii-laxition game for the Vitality Sensor just game out and I got a great deal on it. Are you following me?

Seriously I'm done with moving with games. A steering wheel might be cool, might be. Natal, no thanks. Sony with Move. LOL. My Uncle Jack Tretton is going to bring it hard at the Press Conference and I can't wait to see what happens. Jack Trenton is not dead.

Star Wars The Old Republic looks to me like it's going to be lacking in graphics. I need to see it in person. Star Wars The Force Unleashed 2, is it made by the same Jimmys? I need to see it in person. Batman Arkham Asylum 2, yes yes. Of course I want to play that game. Nobody knows anything about it right now. No need to rush it. Fable umpteen, I am a fable fan and I will play this game. Crysis 2 is the new Halo killer. Crysis 2? You have to be asking yourself why haven't you heard of Crysis 1, if Crysis 2 is going to be a Halo killer.

Surprise Zelda is still lame. That's going to be a shock for a lot of people. Killzone 3 is good! No not really. Sorry. Pokemon Battle dome Import any pokemon from the last two DS titles and watch them battle it out in 3D on the Wii. Like the old Battle Stadium for the, what system was that the Gamecube? Never mind. The Natal actually lets you import your actual nasty random Jimmy grill and paste it on to your avatar. Or finally put my real face on my multiplayer only Rainbow Six Vegas 4 guy. Thanks.

I'm very excited about E3 2010. I'm tired right now, it's 1 am June 1st, 2010. I agree with BatRastered, the game I want to see most is a game I don't know about. I'm gonna have one more drink. Don't forget about actually being on the E3 show floor. Who will have the best game of the show, or best booth, best schwag, hottest booth babe? I guess that pretty much sums it up.

*I have not read of this at this point. I posted it anyway. Jimmy! I reserve the right to add or edit anything in this story. I'm sure there is something I forgot to say. Something that I REALLYU want to say ...


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