What happened at Blizzcon 2010? Sexy Demon Hunter lookout!

By goukijones — October 24, 2010
Tags: blizzcon2010 character-class news preview

Diablo III gets a new character class and Blizzard announces an announcement.

Demon Hunter class revealed for Diablo III

Diablo III Demon Hunter

Team Gouki missed out on being at Blizzcon this year, so what did we miss? Diablo III which is coming out hopefully sometime next year, showed us a new character class, the Demon Hunter. The Demon Hunter is a hot skinny chick with crossbows and she kills demons. What else do you need to know? Check out her preview.

The Geoff Keighley twat that Rob Prado from Blizzard announced an announcement for the next MMO won't be until 2010.

Some of the plans for the new PvP system for Diablo III were also revealed and sound very interesting.

Check out Blizzcon.com for everything else you need to know about Blizzcon 2010.

So that's it. What's your report on Blizzcon. Leave your comments below.

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