What is Payday 2? An Explanation from GoukiJones

By goukijones — August 12, 2013
Tags: blithering-blathering deals

I don't know much about the game. I never played the first 1. I saw a video a few weeks back & the game sounded interesting to me. BTW, it comes out tomorrow. (8/13/2013)

Payday 2 isn't even in the Gouki catalog. Show's you how much BatRastered & I are into this game. Payday 2 is 1 of those games that doesn't even get space on the actual E3 show floor. It's out in the main corridor of the convention center. It's public access for Christ sake. 

Okay so let's go over this gameplay video from 505 Games. 

0 Hud = 0 Gameplay. Deal with it. This is an animation as far as I'm concerned. Now that we've got the ridiculous videos out of the way, let me share with you some of the cooler gameplay stuff I've seen.

The dynamics & the heist videos looks really cool. Who hasn't wanted to rob a bank? Plus at the low price of $27 bucks for a new game on release day is pretty good. IF you've made the switch to PC, like me. lol. Don't be a Jimmy!

So what is the final explanation of Payday 2? It's a shooter where you robs banks. There's classes. You level up. It's 4 player co-op. It looks cool.

Payday 2 is on sale at Amazon.com for $26.99 [PC Download]

Thanks for reading. 

Payday 2

Payday 2 box art

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Release Date: Aug 13, 2013

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