Community What Old Game To Play Now, I need suggestions ...

By Brad_Ry — February 9, 2012
Tags: blog

Trying to figure out what to play next. Quite a dilemma I has

Haven't been on here in awhile....UMvC3 and all that.  With Pokemon Soul Silver out the way....I got to figure out what to play or finish next......sad that owning 250+ different games (yeah....a lot to count. That's not counting downloadable titles) I can't figure out what to play/finish next.  I have a few ideas but no willpower or I have an excuse not to play it.


Tales of Legendia

Shining Force Neo

FF7: Dirge of Cerberus

Super Mario Wii

Dot.Hack Series

Sonic Rivals 1 + 2

That's about all I can think of for now....I look at the shelf and can easily come up with 10+ ideas each time.  I hate this conundrum.  Really quite a dilemma.  The reason I haven't been on here is cause I've been on my own blog to blog about whatever game I'm playing at the time. Though no one reads it and I'm still working out layout issues.


I wouldn't be leading toward any of those games. Maybe the Dot.Hack. Wasn't that a cool anime. Glad to see you posting on Gouki again. Thanks!

Feb 9, 2012 by goukijones


lol it was a anime. 2 points for goukijones. They made several seasons with rotating characters. I would say only 1 season is worth watching. I would imagine the game is much better.

Feb 9, 2012 by ErikEstrada


@ErikEstrada the games are actually fun. Challenging, but fun. the most interesting part about the .Hack games is that when you finish one game, You can bring the save to the next game, otherwise, it would be alot harder.

Me being a Tales fan, I could recommend you to play Tales of Legendia. Sure, I haven't played the game myself (haven't found it yet), but it's worth playing.

Feb 9, 2012 by Arthvader


I might try those. Gotta get some Priority 1 stuff done first though.

Feb 10, 2012 by Brad_Ry


.hack is a series that you can put a lot of time into, if you want to really get into something long term that's your best bet.

Feb 10, 2012 by dragonkiss83


For a person with so many games to finish I am surprised to see so many JRPGs on your list. Those games take a lot of time to finish. Have any 10 to 15 hour long games?

Feb 10, 2012 by genxsis83


3rd birthday is fun, the story for some is whack but its short enough that it gives u incentive for replay value. MGS Peace walker is f****** amazing, its one of the first mgs i replayed to no end. O_O ZoE is another good game.

Feb 12, 2012 by Cybuster89


I think you should def give ZOE a try like cybuster suggested but also maybe something like an epic side scroller like mischief makers for n64.

Feb 16, 2012 by xplux24


I beat ZoE ages ago. lol anything on the N64 is like good luck finding a copy that isn't ruined.

Feb 18, 2012 by Brad_Ry

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