Community Will Dead Space 2 be Another Resident Evil 5?

By PaladinJin — January 24, 2011
Tags: action blog dead-space-2 resident-evil-5 survival-horror

Zombies and Monsters + Guns to kill them = Fun! Zombies and Monsters + A Peashooter or simply nothing = Horror!

I am very excited for Dead Space 2. I loved the first game, beat it on Impossible mode, read the Dead Space: Martyr book and the Dead Space Comic they have out, not to mention play the DLC game that's out, but when i played the Demo for Dead Space 2... I had fun. I don't agree with EVERYTHING pertaining to the video, such as the multiplayer, but bsically everything else i am for:


Now, i know that fun is generally the main feeling you get when you play a game, but i mean... Horror games are supposed to make you crap your pants! I understand that it IS a demo and perhaps the developers just tweaked your guns so you were a very powerful badass, but i think that having the power to fight back is what KILLS a horror game.

I'm comparing Dead Space 2 to Resident Evi 5 because RE 5 was fun. There was NOTHING scary about RE 5. I had upgraded guns and rocket launchers and shotguns and was kicking ass and taking names. Dead Space, i was screaming for my life and running away like a little girl. It's because i couldn't really DO anything to the monsters in DS. The fact that i COULD blow off the enemy's arm off but not have enough ammo for the next 14 Necromorphs drove me into fear. I'm really really hoping that even though Isaac now has the weapons to kill necromorphs, that he still dies in about 2 hits. I think that would compensate a lot. And because the levels are now huge open areas, i am looking forward to creatures flying at me in all directions.

I guess what i'm really tyring to get at is: Giving Isaac power will cut deeply into the heart of a horror game and make it into just a gory creepy game, but fun and that, to me, is a bad thing. Do you guys agree with what i'm trying to say here? Because i want to play a horror game for the terror and creepiness. And i admit, a bit of the fun but leaning more towards the fear.


i agree. having too much power kills the purpose (hah), to make it scary, you need to struggle. and your right about RE5, rocket fucking launchers.

I had the same feleing with RDR UN, at first its like " yo i got shitty guns, little amo and theirs like 40 zombies" but then its like " lol theirs like 10 zombies in a *overrun* town and i have amo FOR DAYS!"

Jan 24, 2011 by iorilamia


It has the same controls as RE.....

Jan 24, 2011 by shenwoopunch


i dont think the creators were aiming for be powerful and shoot at creatures but just a agme where you have a little bit more freedom to do ass you like with those creatures

Jan 24, 2011 by kof2012


resident evil 5 was on the line for being insane though, dead space was one of the only games that got me jumpy and the atmosphere of the game proves it

Jan 24, 2011 by SonicZero


Go try Amnesia then.

Jan 25, 2011 by shenwoopunch


That wasn't even a real review. Get that garbage out of here. This is a real review. Dead Space 2 is great!

Jan 25, 2011 by Cinderkin


I didn't say it was a review, i was just worried about how it was going to turn out to be XD But i am very satisfied with how it turned out and i'm sorry if i offended anyone. Dead Space 2 is the shit.

Jan 25, 2011 by PaladinJin


Read the title of your video that you posted. It says review right in there. those guys where garbage. they don't know what a good game is.

Jan 26, 2011 by Cinderkin


i gotta try the demo >_<

Jan 26, 2011 by blazemanx

grey walrus

After playing the first 3 chapters of Dead Space 2 I can officially say no. No it will not.

Jan 26, 2011 by grey walrus


Yes, you have a point. But i am surprised with how great Dead Space 2 turned out to be. I hav eyet to try multiplayer, and from the looks of it, i dont think it will be that memorable, but i still gotta at least try it. I don't know if i'm happy or sad that there aren't any multiplayer achievements.

Jan 27, 2011 by PaladinJin


No multiplayer achievements and the overall experience of the game went from; run and hide and try to stay alive to I got all the fuckin' guns in the universe and am virtually unstoppable.

I'm jus sayin' that's what I'm hearin'. I haven't played the game. It's looks Jimmy ass.

Thanks for writing a story.

Jan 28, 2011 by goukijones


Just another game that people will get tired of, what is the replay value if any. Survival Horror should be just that, a game where you are jumpy and try like hell to stay alive. Them stuff in the old school Resident Evil games, like the dogs jumping through the glass, had that scare and a chance to kill them, but in the newer games it's either easy to kill stuff or you have easy normal monsters with ungodly bosses that just stand out.

Feb 28, 2011 by DragonKiss83

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