WWE 2K20 Will Be Announced August 5, 2019

By goukijones — July 31, 2019
Tags: news wwe-games

It's finally happening!

This is the first mention of this game with no debute at this year's E3.  Traditionally, the game has been revealed earlier in the year and sometimes more than 6-8 months behind WWE storylines and character arcs.  The pictures look great, the game looks better every year, but ... Can you do an actual Money In The Bank match in the game?  Can you have more than 4 wrestlers in the ring at the same time? Doesn't matter, FnJimmy will love it!

Original source.


FNJimmy will make all of our characters. Maybe this one will let women vs. men matches. I sure hope so. Scary seeing FNJimmy make a dude look like a woman for me.

Aug 1, 2019 by sugarninja

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