Community WWE All Stars Demo is here Rey Mysterio vs the Ultimate Warrior

By DragonKiss83 — March 24, 2011
Tags: blog demo rey-mysterio ultimate-warrior wwe-all-stars

Time to get in the ring

Round one I tried out the Ultimate Warrior and he felt a little clunky, but it could just be me.  The power was there and getting my first KO by finisher was pretty cool.  But the control seems pretty simple and I'm seeing no reason to get the Fight Pad unless you just want one for the hell of it.

But there are two sides to this fight.

When I switch over to rey Mysterio for the second match I could see a difference.  He's fast, fluid, and gets some air.  His grapples are true to his style with them looking more like counters.  I'm impressed.

But as much fun as I'm having and looking forward to playing as other legends and trying all the match types, I've got to say rent it.  Unless you are a real wrestling fan, then get off your candy ass and get the game.


WWE All Stars

WWE All Stars Gouki Box Art

11 Stories

Release Date: Mar 29, 2011

Buy it! 36% - Rent it! 55% - Flush it! 9%

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