Community Xbox Live Games on Demand sale!!!

By genxsis83 — March 27, 2012
Tags: deals halo-wars sales

GoD sale including Halo Wars!!!

Hey guys!! Xbox live is having a Games on Demand sale and they include some high profile games.

You can get


Halo Wars for 19.99

Gears of War 3 39.99

Fable 3 19.99



I am seriously considering Halo Wars after Gouki's praise of the game.  What do you guys think?

20 dollars too much for this old gem of a game?

Halo Wars

Halo Wars Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

12 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Feb 26, 2009

Buy it! 41% - Rent it! 45% - Flush it! 14%

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