13 New Bosses Does Not Suck, but YOU DO! "V Rising" Gloomrot Update

By goukijones — April 15, 2023
Tags: news v-rising

How often does an early access game win Game of the Year?

Gloomrot! That’s the name of the new area in V Rising. Looking like some serious Frankenstein action. This new area was previously covered in V Rising so this is going to be a delight for all of the players. Also, now we’re building to the moon! Castle skyscrapers are a thing with multi-floored castles and stairs being added. I’ve been going back to the website these last few days just to look at the pictures and read about the update. V Rising just tickles me so much. This new update is going to expand on everything that made it already great! I’m not even good at keyboard and mouse movement, but that didn’t stop me. For V Rising last year I had to git gud.

Here’s a look at some of the new monsters coming with this update!

There will be a new magic class called STORM!

We will also be able to find parts of weapons to craft into legendaries. 

V Rising was my GOTY because I spent so much time playing. I was on early in the morning until late at night. I had 6 castles I was managing. Morning and night I would fly around the entire map as a bat looking for castles that were low on blood. Let me remind you I was only playing PvE. Even so, when another player's castles were out of blood, it was vulnerable to a raid. I must have raided a 100 castles back on my day. And that was on PvE. I can’t wait to play throughout the new V Rising. LFG! Stay tuned for more.

V Rising - Secrets Of Gloomrot Cinematic Reveal

V Rising

V Rising Gouki Box Art

7 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: May 8, 2024

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You love this game so much. I know you will be so consumed, playing from morning until night. It is such a great game and seeing how much you love it is refreshing.

sugarninja has not rated V Rising yet.
Apr 21, 2023 by sugarninja

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