2011 Jimmy Gems: Best PS3 Exclusive nominees

By BatRastered — December 13, 2011
Tags: blog jimmy-gems

The best of the best for the Playstation 3. And the nominees are...


BatRastered says: I played the first inFAMOUS because I got it for free on the PSN when they came back from the hacking debacle. It was probably the most fun I've had on the PS3 since I've owned one. Naturally when inFAMOUS 2 was released I had to play it. While it didn't leave the same impression on me that the original did, I still loved it. It's too bad the user generated content didn't live up to the hype.

GoukiJones says: I didn't play it. Well I actually I did, I beat the shit out of it at CES 2010. Exclusive! After that I wasn't really interested. I watched Batty play it a little and I still wasn't interested.

Uncharted 3

BatRastered says: I never played the first, but I loved the second game. Uncharted 3 is more of the same... much more of the same... and while that means more good stuff, it was hard for me to shake the feeling that I've played this before. Having said that, the cruise ship level stands as a shining example of both level and graphical design. Just for that it would be nominated, but it also has an interesting multiplayer... if you like third person jumping and climbing in your deathmatches.

GoukiJones says: I'm about halfway through playing that right now. Why does the blonde chick look completely different in this game? Way less attractive if you ask me. Other than that it seems like more walking and talking and less adventuring. It looks great and plays good, the multiplayer is cool, but I've only got a few hours in that. No friends. Sad face.

DC Universe Online

BatRastered says: Honestly this game probably wouldn't have got a shot if it wasn't now free to play.  That's because we gave a copy to FnJimmy to review. He never did anything with it  (he kept saying he was waiting for the "full on version") and when he brought the disk back so we could try it, we were disappointed to find out that you couldn't use a used disk and create a new account. Yup they straight up refused our $15 per month. Now that it's free to play we've given it a chance and it turns out it is pretty fun.

GoukiJones says: Free to play sign me up. Too bad this went free to play right before Ultimate, Skyrim, Battlefield were all released or about to be released and I just couldn't find time to play. Plus no friends on the DCUO. Sad face x2.

Vote below who you think should win this category. Leave a comment if you have another suggestion. Most importantly Don't be a Jimmy! This is the 2011 Jimmy Gems!


Dec 13, 2011 by BatRastered

What's your favorite PS3 exclusive?

bar! inFAMOUS 2 — 17% (1 votes)

bar! Uncharted 3 — 17% (1 votes)

bar! DC Universe Online — 67% (4 votes)

bar! Other (leave a comment) — 0% (0 votes)

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dc universe online must be good

Dec 21, 2011 by kof2012


DC Universe Online doesn't really count as an exclusive, but what the heck...nobody cares, do they? Anyway, I tried DC Universe Online on both the PC and the PS3; I found the PC version to be better for all the reasons that I expected that I would find the PC version better. Still the PS3 version is worth checking out since it's not going to cost you a cent anyway.

That said, where's Killzone 3? LittleBigPlanet 2? Resistance 3? (Okay...forget Resistance 3.) Did you forget these games or just not like them enough to nominate them?

Dec 24, 2011 by jalexbrown


R3 was reviewed by FnJimmy. Wasn't great. Killzone is garbage. We never played LBP2. Not our kind of game, review it if you like it.

Dec 24, 2011 by BatRastered


Is this forreal? I thought DC Universe was not that good no?

Dec 25, 2011 by genxsis83


DCUO is good if you have some people to play with it. I'm not an MMO player, probably why I like it. Single player campaign can be wrapped up in a day, and flying around picking fights does get old after a while. Free to Play definitely make a difference.

That being said, I haven't touched it since April....hahaha

Dec 29, 2011 by noworries


DCUO was pretty good, just the wrong company and a long ass download. I got inFamous free and still haven't played it not much chance for the other two.

Feb 10, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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