Retro City Rampage E3 2012 Trailer

By goukijones — June 4, 2012
Tags: e3-2012 video

Every second of this preview looks like a complete blast.


consider me hyped for this game. have been waiting for this game to be released for some time now. probably will get it on the Wii when it gets released.

Jun 5, 2012 by Arthvader


As a kid growing up in the 80's this sort of game has a lot of appeal to me. It looks like simple fun run and gun in all it's 8-bit glory. I really miss the old days of NES.

Jun 5, 2012 by Aragrist


I'm not sure the Wii can handle this. For some reason when I first read the title I was hoping for the Rampage series where you played as the big-ass monsters and smashed stuff. But this reminds me of GTA and GTA London from back in the day, but better.

Jun 6, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I think this game is PS3. But I have not been able to find the game at E3 2012.

Jun 6, 2012 by goukijones


@goukijones I've read about this game in a previous issue of Nintendo Power. I believe it was in fact last month's issue.

Jun 7, 2012 by Arthvader

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