"Fabledom" Can You Survive Winter and Get The Girl? Early Access!

By goukijones — April 11, 2023
Tags: fabledom review

Agnes just won't leave me alone. đŸ˜‰

My first contact with Agnes was via my messenger and my kingdom gifted her 50 bucks. Once I saw her lovely ears and thought about the combination with my nose, I knew our children would be the most beautiful heirs in all of the land. Later on that year I decided to send a gift to Agnes in hopes of a possible courtship. At the time, we had plenty of wheat to send as a gift of courtship. After my previous adventures, I was prepared to have plenty of wheat for this very moment. Agnes was thrilled. She sent me a flirt and a wave. We are now about to have our first date. Agnes requested that I plant 40 tulips and shower her with 100's of tulips. I’m growing the tulips now. In the meantime, I’m also trying to create enough coal so my kingdom doesn’t die. Growing trees to chop down to create planks and build more things to grow my kingdom. Trying to grow food and store it properly before the winter comes is a must.

Fabledom is a great little city builder. The colors are vibrant and inviting. The leveling up and the training mode the game provides is fun and keeps you going. I’ve got only about 10 hours in the game during my time with the demo. I’m loving it and looking forward to seeing how big I can grow my Fabledom. And just how far things will go with Agnes and I remains to be seen. Will we have the children of our dreams?


Verdict: Buy It


Agnes sounds like she just wants your gifts. lol Don't fall for it GoukiJones!

Apr 21, 2023 by sugarninja

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