Community Halo Reach Giveaway
By thewolf14 —
August 18, 2010
My Halo Entry: Updated!
The sound of a waterfall peeked my ears as I stepped out onto this new world. What was this place? This strange, Great world, Filled with life, But a voice toke me out of my daze as I looked around
'Chief! Covenant!' I frowned, Covenant? Here? I followed her instructions as she told me to cross the bridge, the sound of a Phantom roared by me, Elites And Grunts.. Strange, A Small party, I quickly pulled my Assault Rifle up and unloaded the 60 Shot Mag, CLICK! The rifles mag slides out as I released it from its refuge in the stock of the rifle. I inserted another and finished off the last grunt, then moved forward towards the sounds of gunshots. Marines? ODST's? Survivors were my top priority.
As I ran around the cliff side turn, I saw a Phantom landing! "Covering Fire!!" One Yelled before firing the Assault Rifle.
I tossed a well aimed frag and it hit were the Grunts and Elites jumped from there sides of the floating ride. The sound of the Aliens scream as they were killed signaled the marines to move onto the fortress like structure as they were before. Marines Scattered and reloaded. We fought 3-4 Phantoms off that moment, after that Cortana signaled a pelican, Echo 419.. We also saw many life boats flying by from the sky. But asides from that, Echo 419 dropped a hog off, I got in the drivers seat and 2 Marines jumped on the side seat and Turret, I heard a Proud and tall Man Yell "Look Proud Marines!" Sergeant Johnson! A Spartan 1, Very interesting, He will come in handy..
We drove threw caves and valleys for what seemed like forever. We fount the first 2 Teams of survivors and were now helping the 3rd. They were elevated at the top of the hill. We had 2 Snipers, And a couple of Assault Marines and Sergeant Johnson Versus the 6 Phantoms heading toward us... Lovely, Just then, A Giant brute like creature ran up the hill followed by many smaller creatures holding shields. The giant one had a huge shield on it, It charged at us, As it happened, one marine was killed, Me and Johnson toke it out quickly. The rest were gone by then, all dead as the pelican landed near us, We had saved all we could. But I toke it as a win for now. My AI, Cortana told me something As I looked at the canyon and valleys as we flew.
"John, Chatter says, This ring world is known as...Halo." Cortana Said Slowly
Halo.. I nodded slowly and looked back at the Canyon we had left.
'Halo... I have a bad feeling about this...' I thought to my self as we headed off towards a darker part of the ring...
And that was my first Experience, On Halo..
A few hours...
I watched as Echo 419 lifted the pelican upward in the narrow hole.
"This is as Far as I can go! Heres your stop!" She yelled over my radio channel, I nodded and jumped off. I landed where grunts had been sleeping but were now running and screaming things I didn't understand, One ran into the opening door. 'Darn..' I grumbled. 2 Elites ran out using the sound they always made when angry "WORT WORT WORT!" One yelled as It fired at me! 3-4 of the shots hit me as I began killing the grunts first, I then moved onto the elites, 1 Gold One...1 Blue One....
I began firing at the gold ones first, Its sword was trying to make contact with me, SLASH! I barely dodged that strike! I Kicked it with my boot and armed a plasma grenade and Smashed it his face as I rolled away. BOOM! I rolled into the blue elite who fell over and tried to get up, But I kicked it in the face, The AR to its face and Fired furiously! CLICK! It had died when the 14th shot was made. I unloaded the clip from the stock and Inserted a new one in.
"Done yet Chief?" Cortana laughed at my display, Blue blood on my chest plate. I wiped it off, and replied with a groan.
"Schematics show that the Place we need to be is deeper into the facility... So lets go.." She examined the info from the Map Room we had fought to get to.
I simply nodded. It felt like hours until we reached the top of the Control Room peek, Cortana opened the doors and dispatched the remaining grunts left. I walked threw the wide, long hallways. The huge door at the end was colored a grey color and It toke the most time to open. But when we made it. I saw this HUGE Hologram of the Halo Ring.. Then a little floating ball with a blue light in its center, came up to my helmets face and spoke clearly and precisely.
"Hello Reclaimer!" It said loudly
This was BOUND to be trouble...
And there it is, This is my attempt at A Halo Story, Its the SECOND Level on Halo CE. I hope you like it, and please Thumbs up!
Edit: Currently, My reach copy has been demoted from Limited to standard :/, So I would LOVE to win this!
Edit 2: I added a new scene in because I want to win extra much :D
Thanks! for reading!
-------------Below is some Images I made :o!--------
My Second Entry! You should like it too!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 14, 2010