Halo Reach Legendary Edition giveaway - Get it Sept 14th!!

By goukijones — July 29, 2010
Tags: bungie collectors-edition freeish giveaway halo-reach-giveaway xbox-360-exclusive

Once again we are giving away one of the biggest games of the year Halo Reach. Not the regular edition, not the limited edition, BUT THE FRICKIN LEGENDARY EDITION. Get it Sept. 14th!

Congratulations to the Jimmy akskiller for winning our Halo Reach contest. Read akskiller's winning story.

Halo Reach giveaway winner

Halo Reach giveaway winner Don't be a Jimmy

The deadline to enter is September 10th 2010. Don't be a Jimmy!

Rules to be entered into the Halo Reach Legendary giveaway. Read Carefully Jimmy!

  1. You must be a registered user on Gouki.com with a valid email address.
  2. You must have uploaded an Avatar at Gravatar.com
  3. You must add your Xbox 360 Gamertag to your Gouki.com profile.
  4. Log in and write a story about Halo.
  5. Tag your story "halo reach giveaway"

Here's how it works. It must be an original story about you and Halo. It could be your first memory of Halo or some fan-fiction you made up, but it has to be real and it has to be your story. It can be a paragraph long or 10 paragraphs long. You can post your montage, but it has to be YOUR montage and found on your yuotube channel. You can also post a picture of your Halo cosplay. Helmet on and Helmet off, I wanna see your face. Girls get a bonus point for cosplay submissions.

Twitter this phrase for bonus points. "Win the Halo Reach Legendary Edition with this free giveaway. Go to Gouki.com to enter. #gouki"

Determining the winner - The top 5 stories that have the most "likes" (positive votes) before the deadline of September 10th 2010 will compete for the grand prize. So this means you gotta get the word out and get your friends to vote up your story.  The winner will then be selected by the Gouki.com editors from the top 5 most "liked" stories.

Number 1 in the World! This is an international giveaway. The entire world can enter. If there is an international winner, release day shipping may not be available.

Grand Prize

Halo Reach Legendary Edition

Halo Reach Legendary Edition - Release day shipping - You get it the day it comes out!

Additionally, you'll receive access to an exclusive in-game Spartan Recon helmet variant. *May not be valid with an international winner.


Sponsored by Freeish from Gouki.com.

*Terms/conditions subject to change at any time. Gouki.com reserves all rights to this giveaway. Winner will be notified by email so make sure your email is correct in your profile Jimmy!

Bonus points for sharing THIS story about the giveaway. Use the share buttons below.

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

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