Halo Reach modders caught on tape. WHO is Bungie banning?
By goukijones —
October 15, 2010
Modders on Halo Reach. I have not seen anything like this since Halo 2. The Jimmy is jumping super high and killing us with 1 shot, using the AR. Running super fast and jumping the length of the map. Edited for time.
Last week Bungie banned like 15,000 Jimmys. Hackers, boosters, modders, alleged cheaters. Whatever, Bungie is on top of the situation. I was just having a conversation with BatRastered this afternoon, that Bungie was doing an excellent job Banning the cheaters. The Banhammer has come down twice since launch and soon will become self aware, like Skynet.
"With each Banhammer swing the mass proclamations of profound innocence become more and more entertaining, and with each subsequent smack down the Banhammer becomes more and more addicted to the delectable taste of booster blood. Soon we will unleash it in its fully automated, self-aware form. You have been warned. " from Bungie.net
The video below shows some Jimmys that haven't been effected by the BanHammer yet. That shouldn't take long though, you'll understand after you see the video. All the guns on the map were one shot kills. For red and blue teams. One guy on the red team had a super high jump and could run really fast. I haven't seen stuff like this since Halo 2. So what's going on here? Something in Reach is like Halo 2 and the hacker and modders can mess with the settings like that. My take is Halo Reach looks like Halo 3 and shoots like Halo CE. I never had a comparison for Halo 2 really. I guess it mods like Halo 2. Yeah that's a good one. Watch the video below. It's edited for time and you can see the entire game if you download it from my file share on Halo Reach.
This shouldn't be taken as a fanboy rant or a blame it all on Bungie type thing. I know, no matter what Bungie does, there are always gonna be some Jimmys ruining the game for us. Halo is my favorite shooter and I know that people want to see videos like this. For me, it was like seeing a UFO tonight. I had no idea this could even happen anymore on Halo, or even Xbox 360 at all. Thanks for reading.
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Sep 14, 2010