Halo Reach player investment system and armor customization

By goukijones — March 25, 2010
Tags: blog halo-reach xbox-360

Haven't you heard ... it's the Halo RPG you've been waiting for.

Well not exactly an RPG, but you get EXP which is now called Credits (cR for short? Reh-tard for long.) Anyway you get credits now for multiplayer and playing the campaign. Is the campaign going to be that different each time you play through? I can't imagine going through any campaign more than three times, unless you are the Original Jimmy.

halo reach armor customization

News also came out today about the armor customization. When I first saw the trailer for the Halo Reach multiplayer I was guessing that different combinations of armor would give you different abilities that would act like "equipment" from Halo 3. I am incorrect. The armor customization doesn't do anything in Halo Reach except change your appearance. This is for all the Jimmys that needed the  Recon armor bullshit. I don't care what the armor looks like, I use an Elite in Halo 3. Jimmy!

Bungie says this is a way for everyone to play a lot or a little and get the same experience. So next time you look at a players Spartan you will be able to tell his play style. I can't wait to see what the Raipist looks like.

Click here for the original story

Read more @ Bungie.net

Watch a video of 2 Jimmys talking about this

The Halo Reach Beta begins on May 3rd and you need Halo 3 ODST to play it.

Halo 3 ODST box art

Halo 3: ODST

Don't miss out on the first ever Gouki.com Halo Reach montage filming this May! 

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

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Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

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