Killzone 3 in 3D and Move enabled on the CES 2011 show floor

By BatRastered — January 10, 2011
Tags: 3d 3d-glasses blog ces-2011 demo fnjimmy gameplay hands-on killzone-3 peripheral ps3-exclusive

How much would you pay for this experience? Sony's asking an awful lot.

ON the show floor at the 2011 CES, Gouki's own FnJimmy plays Killzone 3 with the new Sharp Shooter Move gun in 3D. I put on the second pair of 3D glasses ($150 each MSRP) to see what this game could do. I've got a big head, and was wearing my glasses that day, so the active shutter glasses were not very comfortable to wear. I'd hate to have them on my head for more than 10 minutes. The 3D effect was decent, though it broke if you tilted your head. Overall, it didn't add too much to the game. I got the feeling that having it in 3D would help you aim with this accessory as you could line up your  target through the reticule better. I didn't get to play the game, so I'll let Jimmy explain his feelings in the video:

Killzone 3D and Gun peripheral Hands-on at CES 2011 with FNJimmy

FNJimmy goes hands-on for the first time ever with the Sony Playstation 3 Sharpshooter peripheral. Can FNJimmy dodge bullets while taking an onslaught of questions from Cinderkin and goukijones? Watch this exclusive footage of Killzone 3D from the Sony booth at CES 2011.

What I will say is that this setup is ridiculous unless you've got some money to burn. I'll assume you already own a PS3 ($299) and one of Sony's 3D "ready" HDTV sets (starting around $1,100). To make that TV actually display 3D images, you need an outboard 3D transmitter ($50 you can see this in the video hanging below the TV) and at least one pair of Sony's active shutter glasses (the non-rechargeable battery models are $150). So that's $200, plus $150 for anyone who wants to watch. But you already have all that shit, because you love Avatar, right? You still need the game ($60), one move controller ($50), one move navigation controller ($30) and the sharpshooter gun ($40). $180 total for the game and controller. You have to be a big fan of this game to pay this much.

Killzone 3

Killzone 3 Gouki Box Art

20 Stories

Release Date: Feb 22, 2011

Buy it! 42% - Rent it! 25% - Flush it! 33%

to pricey cool idea, i used a PC vest 2 years ago that ive never seen it anywhere it shocked you when you got shot , where is that now ?

sheepsmuggler has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by sheepsmuggler


i wish the gun looked better

shamelessbamf has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by shamelessbamf


not going to spend all that money for 3D Avatar......

shenwoopunch has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 10, 2011 by shenwoopunch


dat dildo gun, so sexy. but really , it doesnt have to be so...awkward looking

iorilamia rated Killzone 3 Buy it
Jan 10, 2011 by iorilamia


i like shooting stuff with fake guns

kof2012 has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by kof2012


3D is nice but I'm looking forward to when the 3D is perfected no glasses.

fnjimmy has not rated Killzone 3 yet.
Jan 12, 2011 by fnjimmy

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