Kinect on Xbox Live and CNN ... the lolz continue.

By goukijones — October 21, 2010
Tags: kinect news preview video xbox-360

The kinect was featured on CNN today. I love how people that DON'T play video games are just amazed with what it can do.

Kinect is not going to do anything for hardcore gamers. It's novelty act bullshit that is only going to appeal to moms and grandmoms that don't have a Wii in the house, but their son or husband does. I'm not advising any of my buddies to turn off the Halo and fire up some kinectimals. Every time I see the same demo of the stupid raft game on tv and in previews for the system online, I want to punch these Jimmys playing. It's a raft game, where you stand there and jump over cliffs as the raft goes down river. Has anyone else noticed that in every single clip, one of the two people are always jumping out of sync. Doesn't matter, the game keeps going.

This is dumbed down gaming like I have never seen. At least the Wii-mote and the Move have buttons. They took everything out of gaming for Kinect that might confuse my father. Although, if he made it through the set up and managed to get it going, trying to explain that you can talk to it would be very interesting. "Xbox off."

The video below shows how Kinect works online with the video chat and the ESPN. Mom is gonna video chat her friend across country on Xbox live and then decided to jump into a game of Kinect volleyball. God I grew up in the wrong house hold. Meanwhile dad and son are going to wait and watch a stream of some football game on ESPN kinect instead of just watching it on DirectTV college package, which I'm sure isn't cheap. If they are so worried about watching that specific team, they are not waiting for the ESPN on kinect.

CNN also featured Kinect today. Guess what game they were playing? Yeah that's right, the raft game.

The Jimmy ass host on CNN asks "What happens if we don't move."

The XBOX Jimmy demoing the game replies. "Nothing we just run into stuff." Watch the video, the raft continues down the river not hitting anything. It's dumbed down gaming. I'm just saying ... garbage.

You can check out the CNN coverage here.

The first video is a from the Tokyo Game Show, guess what game they are demoing? That's right the raft game.(broken record joke goes here.) No need to further comment on that. What is interesting about this video is near the end, random people being interviewed about what they think of Kinect. Some quotes "Kinect is a baby step." and "There's nothing really original in the games itself." Jackpot. The gamers know. So tell your mom now, don't waste your holiday gift money on a Kinect or Move, I'd rather just have Halo Reach or Call of Duty. 


What the hell is this?

Oct 21, 2010 by Cinderkin


I would like to find a real family who does anything remotely close to the video posted. Lol.

Oct 21, 2010 by akskiller


Controlling the XBOX dashboard with a wave of your hand or your voice is a neat party trick, but so not worth $150. Everything else the Kinect does is utter bullshit. These can barely be called games.

Oct 21, 2010 by BatRastered


Masturbation success.

Oct 21, 2010 by choke


Ra Ra Riot, Top Gun, Volleyball, Rafting.


Oct 21, 2010 by choke

de bad shot

500,000,000 right down the shitter, good move Microsoft

Oct 21, 2010 by de bad shot


ROFL. How corny.

Oct 21, 2010 by pwny


lmmao weirrd

Oct 24, 2010 by sexyyrays



Jan 20, 2011 by kof2012

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