King of Fighters XIII Saiki Combo & NeoMax videos

By goukijones — August 11, 2011
Tags: news saiki video

Where's your hype for KOF13? I still don't fully understand MvC3 or SSF4AE, do I really need another fighter?

I've always been a fan of SNK and NeoGeo and stuff. When I was a kid they always seemed like the underdog compared to the big boys. Who doesn't want to be Terry Bogard for a day? Hell, I think I changed my name to Terry Bogard in one of my High School yearbook pictures. Can anyone confirm? Shit, I'll have to go dig this out now.

Check out these Saiki vids

Combo 1

Combo 2


BONUS VIDEO! This makes me laugh.

Don't be a Jimmy! Write a hype story for King of Fighters XIII.

The King of Fighters XIII

The King of Fighters XIII Gouki Box Art

11 Stories

Release Date: Nov 22, 2011

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Saiki's combos looks really cool. I'll try to see if I could hype this game up, since I myself am a KOF fanatic. I was laughing so much when I saw that last video. can't wait for KoF XIII.

Arthvader rated The King of Fighters XIII Buy it
Aug 11, 2011 by Arthvader


ya already know im hype for KOF 13 i already have mine preorderd CANT WAIT >_<

blazemanx has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Aug 11, 2011 by blazemanx


I haven't played a KOF for a while. It's not a bad series but it just never had the same draw for me.

dragonkiss83 rated The King of Fighters XIII Rent it
Aug 11, 2011 by dragonkiss83

grey walrus

Didn't get into KoF XII, but I barely played it. I plan on buying this day one and trying to learn the game. Hopefully the online is better this time around.

grey walrus has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Aug 11, 2011 by grey walrus


y'all already know iam hype for this game it's gunna the best fighter of the year

kof2012 has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Aug 15, 2011 by kof2012


the combos videos are short

kof2012 has not rated The King of Fighters XIII yet.
Aug 15, 2011 by kof2012

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