Community Ninja Gaiden 3 Collector's Edition photograph taken.

By MilkyPink — March 20, 2012
Tags: blog ninja-gaiden preview

Picture taken with my Nintendo 3DS.


As you can see. I was just at GameStop a while ago. And this is what I bought. I do also have Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City, but that is in my sister's hands at the moment. She's playing it right now. I will be busy with this. <3 See you all in a month maybe? Haha! Lmao! xD

DOA5 Premium demo preview. (kinda stinks when you have a webcam...

Ninja Gaiden 3

Ninja Gaiden 3 Gouki Box Art

7 Stories

Release Date: Mar 20, 2012

Buy it! 11% - Rent it! 44% - Flush it! 44%

Sweet collection. Thanks for the preview video.

goukijones rated Ninja Gaiden 3 Rent it
Mar 20, 2012 by goukijones


sweet.....glad to have you back ^_^ oh and im back too lol

blazemanx has not rated Ninja Gaiden 3 yet.
Mar 20, 2012 by blazemanx


that's an awesome collection. the video is nice too. can't wait to eventually get this game myself, as well as for DoA5, especially with news of maybe more VF fighters to join Akira.

Also, Welcome back, blazemanx. haven't seen you on the site for a little while.

Arthvader rated Ninja Gaiden 3 Buy it
Mar 20, 2012 by Arthvader


Welcome back blaze-kun. :) You're Gouki-sama. And yeah I am looking forward to this as well, Arth-kun. ^u^

MilkyPink has not rated Ninja Gaiden 3 yet.
Mar 20, 2012 by MilkyPink


You're welcome* omg. lol Sorry! I just woke up with the flu :(

MilkyPink has not rated Ninja Gaiden 3 yet.
Mar 20, 2012 by MilkyPink


Share with us how NG3 is I have been hearing really mixed stuff. The DOA 5 demo looks pretty cool though. My interest in that game went up after hearing about Akira ^^

genxsis83 rated Ninja Gaiden 3 Flush it
Mar 20, 2012 by genxsis83


I will as soon as I finish the game. At the moment I just got the flu and I am here on my ipod touch sick in bed. :(

MilkyPink has not rated Ninja Gaiden 3 yet.
Mar 20, 2012 by MilkyPink


I pre-ordered a copy of the regular one for PS3, but forgot to do release day delivery. :( The statue looks great. Reading about NG3 it sounds like a lot of people aren't liking it, kind of looking forward to the DOA 5 Demo more than the game.

dragonkiss83 rated Ninja Gaiden 3 Rent it
Mar 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83


Hope you get to feeling better soon.

dragonkiss83 rated Ninja Gaiden 3 Rent it
Mar 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I will write a review about it later on as soon as I am done with RE ORC. Anyone is going to complain about the game, which I am not really surprised about. Even ORC got bad ratings. Worse than Ninja Gaiden 3. I personally liked it. It's a new experience, it's different. It's not Itagaki's style anymore, it's Hayashi's. e.e; That's why people are not liking it. I never believe in IGN anyway. All rubbish and if it's not a mainstream shooter, it's garbage to them. Always get a bad grade. lol.

MilkyPink has not rated Ninja Gaiden 3 yet.
Mar 21, 2012 by MilkyPink


A lot of people are saying it feels like Dynasty Warriors. I've always enjoyed the series, but that is not how any Ninja Gaiden should feel. On the plus side Amazon mailed me my code for the demo so it's downloading now.

dragonkiss83 rated Ninja Gaiden 3 Rent it
Mar 21, 2012 by dragonkiss83

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