Community Okay I understand it's good but how long is the game?

By Celcarion — December 7, 2010
Tags: blog money playtime

Ever wonder if you should buy a video game but you realize you've got plenty of time and don't want to play something that will end too quickly?

As the title suggests, if you actually talk to your friends or brothers\ sisters or even classmates about video games. Then what i'm about to talk about has most certainly been considered into purchasing video games. How do we judge a game by length and if the game is short how do we convince people that it doesn't  necessarily mean it's a bad game and they are not going to get their money's worth?

It's a tough sale really with the cost of games it is absolutely understandable that one might feel swindled  if the adventure ends after 8 hours, that's usually the case about arcade games on XBL and PSN but what about actual " real " titles the major games the ones that cost considerably more? This issue plagues of course the single player genre, "if it doesn't include online hell i want the game to last me at least 100 hours!" Is what i hear mostly, DLC helps with adding content to a game but people are reluctant to spend even more money.

How do you people actually convince your friends to give the game a try, demo's can help but the question remains playtime and if the demo is way too short you'll have even less chance of talking your friends or family into buying the game.

I like to tell them about a game that changed my life, Grim Fandango. The game left such an imprint on my memory and loved every single second of it i honestly did not care about how long it took me to beat it what mattered is all the memories that i till this day carry with me and i consider Grim Fandango a true piece of art i have to hear only one song from Grim Fandango and it's Proust's madeleine all over again. Let me include a link for those who never played this game

So let me hear your thoughts on the subject any tricks you guys like to pull on your friends?


Well sometimes you have to bite the bullet first if you really feel the game is great. I got Dead Rising 2 with a friend also, but honestly the replay value isn't all there. It was fun while it lasted but it's not up to the standard of a GREAT game or great buy yet.

It's the risk takers that figure out which games are good and which are not. =(

Dec 7, 2010 by InfestedOreo


I judge by the multiplayer experience. Yea A good story mode that is about 20hr+ gets my attention and keeps my satisfied. But for a non-multiplayer game, the replay value has to be MASSIVE. Short story, or long story, I don't really enjoy playing the same story again, so bonus unlocks or changes in the story (besides unlocking a higher difficulty >_>) are really the things I look for. Or a game that just Red Dead Redemption ;D

Dec 7, 2010 by iorilamia


First of all excellent story. Way to go, although I don't know what the "Fund Raiser" tag is for.

Singularity = beat in 8 hours. Terrible Game.
Fallout New Vegas = People say it's terrible, I played well over 45 hours and I love it.
Halo Reach/Street Fighter I can always play those.
COD, Dead Rising, ACB all copies of the same shit that came out last year.

Darksiders was another great game this year, but could be considered short.

Buy, sell and trade as much as you can to get the best value from ALL your games is my opinion.

Thanks for sharing.

Dec 7, 2010 by goukijones


if you can just rent or borrow games too.

Dec 7, 2010 by shenwoopunch


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (and its sequel) were both pretty short, but I enjoyed them a lot.

Dec 7, 2010 by BatRastered


Thanks for the kind words goukijones :D

My bad about the fund raider tag it appeared as soon as i wrote blog and i thought it meant fundraiser for points and the badass jimmy seal of approval. A jimmy can't help but be a jimmy.

Dec 7, 2010 by Celcarion


Dont apologize to that Nuab. Gouki Jones is Jimmay!!!!!

Dec 8, 2010 by erikestrada

DE bad shot

Klingon Academy, longest game ever, came on 6 discs which was un-herd of back in the day, never beat it either was also the hardest game ever made

Dec 8, 2010 by DE bad shot


kingdom hearts was a badass game and long ass hell

Jan 13, 2011 by kof2012

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