Playing Brink with Ed Stern from Splash Damage

By goukijones — June 19, 2010
Tags: bethesda-softworks brink e3-2010 exclusive splash-damage video

Here’s a 10 minute hands on demo of Brink with one of the developers walking me through.

Brink was one of the games I was looking forward most to seeing at E3. Bethesda was one of the first booths we hit up. At the time by the way, I had no idea how big of a deal Rage was. I didn’t get to see Rage and I don’t care too much. The videos I have seen make it look like a different style of Borderlands.

I want to see Brink!! We rolled right up to a free TV to play and Ed Stern was there ready to tell us everything about the game. Ed was totally cool and knew everything about the game; I was really impressed with his knowledge and his ability to talk. Ed explains the character creation in the first part of the video and then we jump into the combat. This is where I start to get away from Ed, at this point I’m ready to pwn.

Out in the field I switch to inverted controls immediately. As I’m exiting out of the menus, Ed is telling me that I can switch my buttons at any time. Watch for that part in the video. Ed is cool though, I can’t keep up with what he is saying to me, I just wanna shoot Jimmys. I got a shotgun and start lighting Jimmys up and well, I’ll let the video speak for its self. Watch it. STICKY BAUMS!!


Brink Gouki Box Art

16 Stories

Release Date: May 10, 2011

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