Pwntober 4 sign-up form UPDATED Deadline October 18, 2010

By goukijones — September 17, 2010
Tags: 2010 blog exclusive montage pwntober pwntober-2010 team-gouki

Now in its fourth year, presents ... Pwntober 4. Sign up for your chance to be in the annual Halo montage. UPDATED Deadline October 18, 2010.

PWNtober 2010. Number 1 on Planet Reach! UPDATED Deadline October 18, 2010

Halo Reach campaign screen

If you want to be a part of the biggest montage of the year Pwntober, leave a comment below and start saving your most PWNnest clips from Halo Reach.

Clips from any part of the game will be accepted. As long as it's a pwnn ass clip. Make sure you save plenty of seconds before and after the clip you send me. Make sure you capture everything the announcer is saying and whatever last breath the enemy may take. This helps me out a lot during editing.

You have to be a member of and you have to sign up by leaving a comment on this page. Otherwise, I won't be able to look at your clips. I'm gonna have a ton. A ton. Don't be a Jimmy. Start recommended me clips right away and don't get communications blocked. Nubfarm.

Send me a clip or two and if they're good enough, they might make the intro or outro part of the montage. Send me a few good clips (4-5 depending on length) and get a little showcase. I may email you and ask you to pick out a song for your part in the montage. That will include you tracking down the mp3 and sending me a file. Jimmy!

Until then ... I'd like to show you Pwntober 2, because that's how I will work Pwntober 4. But there are ads in front of it and that pisses me off. Working on our own video server. So watch Pwntober 3 from last year.

**UPDATE** 9/19

It would be nice if you joined our Team Gouki group. Represent!

Halo Reach

Halo Reach Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

80 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Sep 14, 2010

Buy it! 85% - Rent it! 12% - Flush it! 3%

You should just show the clip of Jimmy getting driven off the cliff over and over again for 10 minutes.

BatRastered rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 17, 2010 by BatRastered


It can't be full of PWN without Cinderkin! Someone invite me to play, and save my excellence for me. I'm to lazy to use the file share feature.

Cinderkin rated Halo Reach Rent it
Sep 19, 2010 by Cinderkin


How long will you be taking files?

ThaBrad rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 21, 2010 by ThaBrad


Probably up until Oct. 20th.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Sep 21, 2010 by goukijones


count me in for a few clips ! jimmay!

imowow has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Sep 27, 2010 by imowow


I'm good for a few clips of me no-scoping a few fools

frankthetank has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 8, 2010 by frankthetank


tanktage 2010. heard.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 8, 2010 by goukijones



goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 10, 2010 by goukijones


If Amazon pulls their finger out their ass I'll have reach by the 18th. 3 and a half weeks waiting!

Zero2990 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 12, 2010 by Zero2990


Zero2990 everyone ... former Jimmy of the month.
Now you all see why. Nice Avatar, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuab!

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 12, 2010 by goukijones


I don't want a naub-a-tar.

Zero2990 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 12, 2010 by Zero2990


You can update your Avatar by clicking on the picture in your profile. Don't be a Jimmy.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 12, 2010 by goukijones


There, ya fooking nueb..

Zero2990 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 12, 2010 by Zero2990


PWNTOBER 201 baby! Start saving your clips and have them uploaded before Monday October 18, 2010. Don't be a Jimmy!

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 12, 2010 by goukijones

Gorilla WarBear

Signed up, legendary WarBear, Gorilla Tactics, got sum sweet clips, uploaded and recommended to all my friends, apart from ZERO cause he is still a nuuuuuuub

Gorilla WarBear has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 13, 2010 by Gorilla WarBear

Gorilla WarBear

Guess this Montage will be all about me, cause where the fook is everyone at, playing Final Fantasy i guess instead of the halo, god dam jimmys.

Gorilla WarBear has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 13, 2010 by Gorilla WarBear


Oh Don't worry about the Final Fantasy Jimmy. BANNED! It might get a go around when the PS3 comes out. But I'll be ready to see what they change.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 13, 2010 by goukijones


PWNtober is going to be an absolute PWNfest. Chief is MIA with his new wife and Estrada claims he has clips, but they are all of Bad Shot and I raiping him. Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnuab!

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 13, 2010 by goukijones


Be ready for Estradatober. No one can compete with my clips. No merkles in site.

erikestrada rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 13, 2010 by erikestrada


Reach came today, let's get-a-pwnin!

Zero2990 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 14, 2010 by Zero2990


Guess this is looking more like PWNvember?

ThaBrad rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 20, 2010 by ThaBrad


Working on it now Jimmy! Got behind with the modders story. Don't be a "ThaBrad"

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 20, 2010 by goukijones


Okay, no problem. Just so I'm clear, no vehicle clips... right? Eric says that's just for nuabs.

ThaBrad rated Halo Reach Buy it
Oct 21, 2010 by ThaBrad

Gorilla WarBear

my footage sucks, all sniper shit

Gorilla WarBear has not rated Halo Reach yet.
Oct 21, 2010 by Gorilla WarBear


Oh there will be plenty of vehicle clips. This is PWNtober/Jimmysbadasstanktage

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 21, 2010 by goukijones


PWNtober update. I have over 200 clips of the most PWNnst Halo Reach moments from October 2010. I'll be working on the video all week. Stay tuned.

goukijones rated Halo Reach Rent it
Oct 31, 2010 by goukijones


Sounds awesome. I've added about 5 more clips to my fileshare last night. Two for one snipe and an across the map stick if you need a couple more fillers. Thanks for the hardwork Jimmy. And for everyone that hasn't joined the Team Gouki group, get to joining

ThaBrad rated Halo Reach Buy it
Nov 1, 2010 by ThaBrad



kof2012 rated Halo Reach Buy it
Jan 22, 2011 by kof2012



BatRastered rated Halo Reach Buy it
Sep 2, 2011 by BatRastered

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