Community Sony announces merger with Micrsoft!

By iguapo — April 1, 2010
Tags: afd-2010

Sony to defer to Microsofts's XBOX

At 1pm eastern standard time a behind closed door meeting of Microsoft CEO Bill Gates and Sony CEO Howard Stringer concluded after about 2 hours time. Although what was said is not 100% sure what is known is that Sony will sell Its right to the PS3 to Microsoft! Coupled by the loss of many "Exclusive" rights of games, and the Xbox live community being so much better then Sony's. The PS3 has struggled since its release. The XBOX and Wii systems proved too much for Sony to compete with. The exact details of the deal are not known, but what we do know is that Microsoft will receieve the rights to BLUE RAY TECHNOLOGY and the last of PS3's exclusive games. ie God of War, Metal Gear, Little big Planet Etc Etc. Sony decided this was necessary to survive in the video gaming world. Along with this deal Sony cannot launch a new system for 5 years! Although they may develop one. This is huge news and gives way to a future Xbox with a blue ray player, making it perhaps the perfect video gaming system! Perhaps in PROJECT NATAL?


The same thing that happened to WCW.

Apr 1, 2010 by goukijones


As soon as they finish the LaserDisc USB powered attachment I'm all over this like rice on a pancake.

Apr 1, 2010 by Creasemonkey

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