SSX delayed two weeks, gets new gameplay video

By BatRastered — December 22, 2011
Tags: news ssx-deadly-descents video

SSX is delayed, but only two weeks to Feb 28, 2012. In the meantime, EA has released a new gameplay video that has the game looking more like the old SSX Tricky than ever before.

When they first announced this game at the VGAs (2010) and called it "Deadly Descents" it looked way too serious. I was decidedly "Not Hyped". Now it's starting to look more and more like Tricky...

If you don't know SSX Tricky was the best SSX, so anything they can do to make this game more like that is worth it. I don't know about this remix of the Tricky song though... you think you better than DJ Run? Sheeeet.


SSX box art 360

6 Stories

Release Date: Feb 28, 2012

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