Community Time for DragonKiss83's E3 Wishlist

By dragonkiss83 — May 12, 2012
Tags: blog e3-2012

It's getting to be that time of year again and rumors are flying. They always throw a couple games in that no one saw coming. So what are gamers really wanting to see?

It goes without saying that I'm hoping that Darkstalkers is finally going to see a new game.  Hell even Ono said he wanted it.  They have some great characters they could update and you always have room for new ones.  MVC 3 brought 2 of my favorite fighters into 3D, but part of me would still rather see it as a 2D, hand drawn fighter.

I'm sure a few of us remember seeing this last year.


There is still a Marvel MMO floating out there in the ether somewhere.  I'm not a huge mmo guy, but I am a Marvel fanboy so I'ld love to see it.  And with the Avengers out they have hype to build on.  But again there is really nothing to go on.


And as much of the members here Borderlands 2 is already pre-ordered, but I still want to see everything they'll share.  Maybe more about the extra class.

Assassin and Siren are at the top of my list, but then you add the Mechromancer...

kind of cool, until you add this ....

Then you can add a wicked grin.

This year we will also get to see Dead or Alive 5, a game I've been waiting years to see made.

But that's another game that I'll pick up as a pre-order.


And with Skullgirls carving it's way into the fighting community maybe some new character dlc?

And I have some curiosity about games like Lolipop Chainsaw and Hitman Absolution.


Of course we will see Black Ops 2, Tekken Tag 2, and a ton of other games that I just don't really care about.


Anything I missed?  Maybe some wish list games that slipped my mind?  Let's hear it jimmy.

Also as a side note if anyone is getting Starhawk and want a Sweet Tooth skin for multi-player let me know and I'll figure out a way to give it away.


Borderlands 2 ... Easy. :)

May 12, 2012 by goukijones


I forgot something really important though. Booth Babes!!!

May 12, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I'm still waiting to see what's in the Red Chest edition of Borderlands 2 before I pre-order (technically we've already pre-ordered the basic edition of the game since we got a code for that at last year's PAX) but I'm probably gonna pre-order that red chest as soon as it's available to do so, I don't want to miss it! I'm hoping we get to see more of what's in it at E3.

May 12, 2012 by BatRastered


What would I like to see at E3 this year? Persona 5. Enough said.

May 12, 2012 by jalexbrown


Typical but some more info on Halo 4. Also what excites me is seeing the final games of this generation! Hope they go out with a bang...

Unfortunately for me I am starting to lose all hope in Capcom... especially their fighting games and how they market them...

May 12, 2012 by genxsis83


nice wishlist. I'm looking forward for some of this stuff as well.

May 13, 2012 by Arthvader


You should spell check before final posting... Just saying ;-)

Jun 2, 2012 by starlyteprincess

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