Top 6 things to do while your PS3 is updating

By BatRastered — December 8, 2010
Tags: blog ps3 wildrant

Went to play some Modnation Racers today and had to install 3 updates to the game plus a system update. Here's what to do while you wait for your PS3

1. Write a story on

Yeah, I wrote this while I was waiting... For real.

2. Play a few races of Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit on your XBOX 360.

I also squeezed three of these in.

3. Take a shit.

Had a burrito for dinner. It had to come out.

4. Read your email.

I only had 3 new ones

5. Masturbate

Uhhhh.... Didn't do this, but I could have.

6. Tweet a screenshot of your update screen.

I didn't but Goukijones did


Bonus items: I did these after writing this story.

7. Walk to the mailbox.

8. Update my story.

9. Left a comment.

ModNation Racers

ModNation Racers

12 Stories

Release Date: May 25, 2010

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