UMvC3 TGS Trailer, Iron Fist & Vergil & PS Vita News
By goukijones —
September 14, 2011
Tons of news out today about Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3. New trailer(worthless) - New characters revealed(irrelevant) - PS Vita announcement(2012)
The new trailer goes on for a about a minute and a half before anything worth actually watching happens. You get to see Iron Fist and Vergil gameplay, but you might as well just watch the specific character trailers. At the end of the TGS UMvC3 trailer there a clip of the game "running" on the PS Vita. The PS Vita is coming out sometime in 2012, long after UMvC3 will have been released.
TGS Trailer
Iron Fist - He looks cool and his supers look like fun. I've already heard comparisons to Fei Long, well guess what. They both use karate stuff. Fisty looks cool -btw "fisty" official nick name, y'know like "The Mayor."- I will try to use this guy.
Vergil - This baffles me, he looks and fights just like Dante. No, no, I understand that he actually does have a different move set or he's not the same as Dante and has a different background and shit. Fuck you. Look at this video and tell me that Capcom couldn't have put another MegaMan character in the game. And I don't even care for the MegaMan stuff, but this instead of MegaMan is Reh-tard!
I'm still buying this. I'm still gonna be raipin' FnJimmy that first night and forever on this game and I can't wait for the November 15th Jimah! Who's hype?!
Editor's Choice
Release Date:
Nov 15, 2011
[UPDATED] Sep 14, 2011 12:42:55 PM
Sep 14, 2011 by goukijones
More gameplay videos..