Who's John Goodman? A Voice actor in Rage. New Trailer!

By goukijones — August 11, 2011
Tags: john-goodman news trailer video voice-actor

Gouki.com favorite John Goodman will help make Rage a tad better experience than it already appears it will be. That's the ringer dude. My dirty undies ... the whites.

That fuuuckin' bitch.

You want a toe, I can get you a toe.

Fuckin' amateurs man.

Also Dude, Chinamen is not the nomenclature, Asian American please.

Sorry this story was about rage, not me trying to remember Big Lebowski Quotes. Don't be a Jimmy!

Rage Uprising


Rage box art

10 Stories

Release Date: Oct 4, 2011

Buy it! 44% - Rent it! 22% - Flush it! 33%

im kinda on the fence with this game

blazemanx rated Rage Buy it
Aug 11, 2011 by blazemanx


Big Lebowski was a great movie, but there are so many John Goodman quotes out there.
This game just doesn't stand out for me. Except reading a story that said to install it on your system is 22 gigs. You don't have to install it, but shit that a lot of space to give up for one game.

dragonkiss83 has not rated Rage yet.
Aug 11, 2011 by dragonkiss83


It's no different than FF13, that was on 3 discs. This sounds like 4 discs. You only need to install one at a time.

goukijones rated Rage Flush it
Aug 11, 2011 by goukijones

grey walrus

I love John Goodman, and it just makes this game look even better. It looks like what Fallout should be.

grey walrus has not rated Rage yet.
Aug 11, 2011 by grey walrus


nice story

kof2012 has not rated Rage yet.
Aug 15, 2011 by kof2012


Played the game for a few hours today. It was pretty decent, not something to rush out and buy. It is worth a rent for sure, and if you are big on fps games you have plenty of options so I can't really say it's a buy it.

DragonKiss83 rated Rage Rent it
Oct 16, 2011 by DragonKiss83


Oh man. John Goodman in a video game... That is awesome!

Now, the day I get to PLAY as John Goodman in a video game...I think my head will explode.


mattfowler has not rated Rage yet.
Oct 23, 2011 by mattfowler

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