Duke Nukem Forever

Tags: 2k-games balls-of-steel collectors-edition duke-nukem fps gearbox-software

Duke Nukem Forever

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Release Date: Jun 14, 2011

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Duke Nukem Forever is an upcoming first-person shooter video game for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 systems, currently in development by Gearbox Software, and a sequel to the 1996 game Duke Nukem 3D, as part of the long-running Duke Nukem video game series. Intended to be groundbreaking, it has become infamous in the video games industry and was considered vaporware due to its severely-protracted development schedule; the game has been in development since 1997. Originally in development under 3D Realms, director George Broussard, one of the creators of the original Duke Nukem game, first announced the title's development in April 1997, and promotional information for the game was released in one form or another from 1997 to 2008.


Duke Nukem Forever Reveal Trailer

Youtube Video

Duke Nukem Balls of Steel Edition

Duke Nukem Balls of Steel

  • Collectible bust of Duke Nukem
  • 100-page hardcover book: History, Legacy & Legend: Duke Nukem Forever Art from the Vault
  • Duke Nukem Forever collectable comic book
  • Duke Nukem Forever radioactive emblem dice
  • Duke Nukem Forever postcard series

GameStop Exclusive

Bonus Items

Duke's Big Package

  • Ego Boost: Pump Up Duke's Ego and increase his strength bar right from the beginning of the game.
  • Big Heads: Enjoy the laughs as you play through the game wondering how all your enemies keep them melons up.
  • Lady Killing War-Drobe: Customized collection offers a range of killer threads in multiplayer mode.

First Access Club

  • Early Demo Access
  • Exclusive Assets
  • Developer Access
  • And more!

Online Customers: A code with instructions on how to unlock your First Access Club will be emailed to you within 2 business days of reserve. A code with instructions on how to unlock Duke's Big Package will be emailed to you within 2 business days of purchase. 

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