101 Reasons to Buy "Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League"
By goukijones —
March 1, 2023
Reason 101: Cosmetic only Battle Pass
Sony and Rocksteady just showed of about 20 minutes of full on gameplay for Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League. There was a ton of stuff just glimpsed in this trailer, I’m going to talk about what stands out the most.
- It looks dope
- Heavy emphasis on chaotic combat
- Made by Rocksteady
- Takes place 5 years after Arkham Knight
- DC is better than Marvel
- This game kinda has it all
- Available on PlayStation 5
- Available on Xbox Series X/S
- Available on PC
- Not made for last gen consoles
- You can pre-order from Amazon
- You can pre-order from GameStop
- You can pre-order from BestBuy
- You can pre-order from Walmart
- Harley has a bat
- Harley has a hammer
- King Shark is a shark
- King Shark has butcher knives
- Captain Boomerang has a shotgun
- Captain Boomerang has boomerangs
- New playable characters coming with dlc
- Lots of new content for players after launch
- King Shark will probably bite people
- Rocksteady has made multiple good games
- Guns will come in all kinds of rarity
- You get to fight Batman
- You get to fight Flash
- You get to fight Superman
- You get to fight Green Lantern
- You get to fight Brainiac
- There will be a ton of cameos
- Kevin Conroy is voicing Batman
- The levels are vertical
- Deadshot can hover
- Deadshot has a serious aim assist
- Lex Luther is in the game
- Flash is hilarious
- The game captures DC characters very well
- Wonder Woman is in the game
- Wonder Woman looks awesome
- There are a lot of F-bombs
- Wonder Woman is good at the beginning of the game
- Harley has a grapple so she can swing around like a certain webbed comic book hero
- Amanda Waller is the game
- King Shark is hilarious
- Assassinations
- Kill Moves
- Ultimates
- Brainiac has tanks
- Sniper Rifles
- Captain Boomerang uses a Speed Force glove
- The Justice League might actually have to die
- Martian Manhunter might be a boss
- The game takes place in the ArkhamVerse
- Penguin is in the game
- There is a new character Hack
- Toyman is in the game
- Gizmo is in the game
- The game takes place in Metropolis
- There are going to be vehicles in the game
- This is traversal based action gameplay
- The game will have 6 different types of weapons
- Assault Rifles
- SMGs
- Sniper Rifles
- Shotguns
- Miniguns
- Pistols
- Weapons will have Manufacturers (Like Borderlands)
- Lexcorp Weapons
- GCPD Weapons
- Amertek Weapons
- Villain themed Gear Sets
- Bane gear set
- The progression is gear level based
- Every firearm in the game is upgradable
- There is a ton of character customization for combat
- You can wear whatever you want and still have a good gear score
- Each mission will scale depending on how many people are playing
- Bots will fill in for those of you with no friends
- You can finish off enemies with a kill move
- It’s coming out on 5-26-23
- It sounds more like Borderlands to me than anything else
- Fast-paced action
- Third-person Shooter
- Roleplaying game
- Great story
- Co-op
- You can be a badass
- King Shark is the fastest Melee character
- There are giant tentacles
- Metropolis gets wrecked
- Insane movement
- The minimap shows a ton of enemies coming for you
- Deadshot has a jet pack
- “Go shark go”
- There’s tons of dialogue
- Lex Luthor has work to do
- We’ll find out if the Joker is dead in this world
- It’s not the Will Smith Deadshot
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Official Behind the Scenes - “Out of Arkham Asylum”
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Official Co-Op Gameplay - “No Matter the Cost”
Release Date:
Feb 2, 2024