12 Minutes of MGSV. Full of cliches, dumb enemies & cassette tapes?

By goukijones — November 15, 2013
Tags: blithering-blathering blog

Well the playstation 4 has been released. With that comes new footage of games that MIGHT come out sometime next year ... or 2. Here's a look at the new Metal Gear Solid game.

A Cassette tape? Really? Just on the sitting out on a table at the top of a lookout tower. That's incredible design. What about driving into the secured area & standing straight up. I don't know about these guards, but what are the guarding when they don't pay any attention. Just before he takes down the target, the target should be able to clearly see his shadow. Obviously god mode here, he's taking bullets to the grill left & right & is still running up to them while they are shooting him, to do some close quarters take down. Then the extraction chopper goes down. Could you have got on that if you did things right? I didn't get that feeling from this demo. There's a cut scene at the end of him driving away. Was there a cut scene made of the chopper getting away?

I'm just not seeing that next-gen tech I was looking forward to. The graphics are great tho! sigh. Cassette tapes. 

Thanks for reading. 

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain box art

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Release Date: Sep 1, 2015

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