2 New "Battlefield 2042" Maps Revealed

By goukijones — November 1, 2021
Tags: preview

We’re gonna go through all sorts of environments.

You also get a first look at the exoskeleton suit. Who else can just drop 20 feet through a glass ceiling and land perfectly on their feet, not losing their balance at all. You don't even take any damage. Only the militaries of Battlefield 2042. It’s all good, I know it’s a video game. For the guy in the chopper who is attacking those on the rooftop, the players that fell should take some damage, right? He should have shot his full-on rockets and not the machine gun. Silly pilot.


Battlefield 2042

Battlefield 2042 Gouki Box Art

8 Stories

Release Date: Nov 19, 2021

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This game looks like a lot of fun. Might jump in with GoukiJones and give it a try.

sugarninja has not rated Battlefield 2042 yet.
Nov 5, 2021 by sugarninja

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