Square Enix Press Conference E3 2018 No Mention of Final Fantasy VII

By goukijones — June 11, 2018
Tags: blog e3-2018 press-conference

What's the game you wanted to see most from Square Enix?

Square Enix Press Conference E3 2018 So We’re Just Going To Ignore Final Fantasy VII

When the day started out I knew the Square Enix E3 Press Conference was first thing in the morning. Unfortunately, the only game I had any interested in was the progress of Final Fantasy VII.  Well, we got 0.  The game was not shown.  The last I heard was the entire studio was fired and the game has completely restarted development.  But hey, that’s Square for you.  The game will come out when it’s finished.  And that’s fine. 

There was a new Kingdom Hearts trailer shown.

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They were kind enough to upload the entire 39:35 minute press conference.  *Reminder there is NO Final Fantasy VII footage whatsoever.

Thanks for reading!

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