Community LA. Noire Review

By starlordtitus — July 15, 2011
Tags: la-noire review

L.A. Noire proves to be a very original, soon to be classic game about a 1940's detective rising in ranks, and solving crimes with countless twists all leading up to a notorious outcome.

This game has two unique aspects that most games do not: Attention to detail and an execution of sheer analysis to solve otherwise unsolutionable cases. The game is set in " a perfectly re-recreated Los Angeles" of 1947, with players being given an open-ended challenge to solve a series of murders and mysteries. Amid the post-war boom of Hollywood's Golden Age, Cole Phelps, an LAPD detective is thrown headfirst into a city drowning in its own success. Corruption is rampant, the drug trade is exploding, and murder rates are at an all-time high. In his fight to climb the ranks and do what's right, Phelps must unravel the truth behind a string or arson attacks,racketeering conspiracies and brutal murders, battling the L.A. underworld and even members of his own department to uncover a secret that could shake the city to its rotten core. 

Using groundbreaking new animation technology that captures every nuance of an actor's facial performance in astonishing detail, L.A. Noire is a violent crime thriller that blends breath taking action with true detective work to deliver an unprecedented interactive experience. Search for clues, chase down suspects, and interrogate witnesses as you struggle to find the truth in a city where everyone has something to hide.


This game is really something I got addicted to. It brings a gamer to really use his intellect and cunning gut instinct to really solve a case. There were times when I was interrogating a suspect, and the Ask The Community option had a higher percentage towards the option Truth, but I remembered there was a possible murder weapon in the suspects house so I went with Lie and chose the possible murder weapon. I ended up getting it correct. And THAT is what I truly admire about this game, if you have a gut feeling, stick to it, you will usually get it right. Additionally, there will be times where the game seems somewhat repetitive, but only to focus on an upcoming twist. It combines different stories that all seem to be strung together towards the end of the game.Not to mention the constant sublte humor between Phelps and his partners as the game progresses. Had me crackin up at times. The option of Outfits to suit your taste pertaining to the case of time of day, also provide variety and versatility to keep the feeling of being fresh for the next case, and looking sharp as you show up to interview that actress, etc. While other cases are longer than others, there is always something to do, to look for. A location to visit, a clue to review. The ability to drive to places also is interesting. The game gives you the option to drive or allow your partner to drive. Driving allows you to either obey traffic laws, or speed your way to your next location, which I might add is actually quite fun. It also allows you to receive radio-ins of occurring crimes so as to put a stop to them, resulting in various intense situations granting you experience points. Allowing your partner to drives actually gets you there faster with the loading screen and some nice dialog between you and your partner, whether it pertain to the case or life. 

You are taught to read facial motions and to use Doubt as well as accuse them with Lies backed up with evidence. The correct readings result in a much smoother case. Exploit every possible option, the game challenges you to do so. The reward ending in you becoming the most accomplished detective in Los Angeles history. 

Something that I really like about this game is how it's influence transferred over to my life. I would sometimes find myself observing facial expressions and details in things in everyday life. The action of observation usually reveals the absolute truth rather than assumption. This game teaches you that. And I find it to be quite rewarding.


This video gives you a great sense of what L.A. Noire is.


The game itself is 3 disks long. Surprised me too. While I feel most would probably rent this title, I recommend buying it. You will find yourself wanting to go as far as the game takes you. So in conclusion. I'd say this game is worth it. I would hope you all give this great game a try.

A Special Thanks to, the goukimmunity, and goukijones for granting me this game. Thanks again.


L.A. Noire

LA Noire Gouki Box Art

13 Stories

Release Date: May 17, 2011

Buy it! 50% - Rent it! 36% - Flush it! 14%

[UPDATED] Jul 15, 2011 12:07:49 PM

Jul 15, 2011 by BatRastered

Added review tag...


Glad you enjoyed it, but at this point I wouldn't even rent it.

dragonkiss83 has not rated L.A. Noire yet.
Jul 17, 2011 by dragonkiss83


is it hard or somewhat easy?

kof2012 has not rated L.A. Noire yet.
Jul 19, 2011 by kof2012


After a while this game just felt like
woman killed
car chase
guy runs
investigate house
woman killed
car chase
investigate house

not in particular order.

iorilamia rated L.A. Noire Rent it
Jul 20, 2011 by iorilamia


kof2012 I'd have to say it's about medium with a few spikes in difficulty now and then. But really what it comes down to is using your deduction skills, otherwise an online guide is a a must for a casual player.

starlordtitus rated L.A. Noire Buy it
Jul 24, 2011 by starlordtitus


Near the end though things really got different for me and you will see why if you play. Still very interesting and it had me asking "why???" when it came to some crazy twists xD

starlordtitus rated L.A. Noire Buy it
Jul 24, 2011 by starlordtitus

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