Community Alice: Madness Returns Pre-order is also digital music...

By iorilamia — May 15, 2011
Tags: alice-madness-returns ea gamestop news pre-order-bonus

Shadows of the Damned isn't the only one with digital CD's...

Alice: Madness Returns is coming out next month and the pre-order deal has already shown up on the Gamestop website. Unfortunately, it is another digital downlaod CD. (Same as Shadow of the Damned, see story here

The Alice music download is 9 songs from the soundtrack featuring new music from Chris Verenna (used to be in Nine Inch Fails) It says a code will be sent to you within 2 business days to download it. But here is what confuses me a bit:

It says "9 songs from the soundtrack" , is it not the whole soundtrack? Not too sure, hopefully something from the official site will come up soon. A second game going with the digital CD, I hope this isn't becoming a "thing".  Catherine and Disgea 4 are still coming out with actual CD'S and art, which is awesome. What do you think of this and what do you prefer? What are some ups an downs of digital CD's in your opinion?  Leave a comment below.




Gamestop page:

Alice Madness Returns

Alice Madness Returns Gouki Box Art

7 Stories

Release Date: Jun 14, 2011

Buy it! 57% - Rent it! 29% - Flush it! 14%

The digital soundtrack just doesn't work as a pre-order bonus. It should just be thrown in with the game, but I guess it's better than nothing.

DragonKiss83 has not rated Alice Madness Returns yet.
May 15, 2011 by DragonKiss83

grey walrus

Digital CD's are nice in the fact you don't have to rip a CD, but I'd still rather have a physical copy in case something went wrong with my computer. The Limited edition of Record of Agarest War Zero comes with a soundtrack too. An actual soundtrack, not a Digital one. :D

grey walrus rated Alice Madness Returns Rent it
May 15, 2011 by grey walrus


might consider grabbing this

kof2012 has not rated Alice Madness Returns yet.
May 17, 2011 by kof2012


Please do, and review it for us ;)

iorilamia has not rated Alice Madness Returns yet.
May 30, 2011 by iorilamia

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