Amazing Death Sequence in "The Callisto Protocol"

By goukijones — August 25, 2022
Tags: preview

Gamescom 2022 Gameplay Trailer

Please answer me this. Would you rather play Dead Space 3 from EA or play a game LIKE Dead Space, but it’s made by the original Devs of Dead Space. Wait, watch this trailer first. The trailer is so dark it was almost impossible to get good screenshots. The monsters look great and very well animated. You can grab enemies and use them to block projectiles of another enemy. Awesome! Grind’em up! The water segment steals the show here. Great water design. The falling and dodging feels great. But the end, the end has such a great and shocking scene for first time viewers. I’m sure this game is going to be a big hit!

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol Gouki Box Art

3 Stories

Release Date: Dec 2, 2022

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