Anno 2070 Walkthrough Video = Diminished Interested

By goukijones — September 14, 2011
Tags: blithering-blathering blog gameplay video

I love my city sims and RTS games. I've been hyped for Anno 2070 for sometime now. Here we have a closer look of how the gameplay is actually going to work. Here's my thoughts.

The thing that stands out the most to me is that there are only 2 factions. It's like the guy at PAX showing me this MMO fighting game, similar to League of Legends and it only having 1 map. WTF 1 map? Maybe Anno works with only 2 factions, but that just seems uncreative. Look at the color in the trailer. Green and grey, that seems to be the only 2 colors they had for this game. The cities don't look fun to build and if there's nothing cool to look at, then what motivation do I have to build? There's some combat, but that doesn't look interesting at all. I'm currently unhyped for Anno 2070 and I'll probably forget about it at this rate. Don't be a Jimmy!

Anno 2070

Anno 2070 Gouki Box Art

2 Stories

Release Date: Nov 17, 2011

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