Anomaly Warzone Earth Coming to XBLA April 6th

By goukijones — March 30, 2012
Tags: news Editor's Choice and 2011 Jimmy Gem award winner for Best Original Game, Anomaly Warzone Earth getting a release on Xbox Live. Read about the release date and price. There's also a live action trailer with a few lols to get you hype.

From 11BitStudios:

Anomaly Warzone Earth for XBLA Gets Release Date, Awesome Live-Action Video

11 bit studios’ Award-Winning Tower Offense Title Comes to XBLA on April 6; Developers Star in Humorous – and Highly Educational – Video Documenting the Search for the Perfect Controller

Release Date and Pricing Revealed
After winning a bunch of awards – like the prestigious Apple Design Award and Runner-Up for Game of the Year on the Mac App Store – the team at 11 bit studios is just about ready to unleash its action-strategy-reverse-tower-defense hit, Anomaly Warzone Earth, on Xbox Live Arcade. The game’s release date has been unveiled as April 6, and it’ll be available for just 800 MS Points (or $10ish). For the price of a couple of boring cheeseburgers, you could be eating delicious aliens for lunch – after you blast their towers to bits with your squad.

Documentary Video Released
Despite the game’s success on other platforms, it’s interesting to note that the team originally planned the game for consoles. The team documented its top-secret research in an equally top-secret scientific facility thingy, and put together a video about the process of finding the perfect controller for Anomaly Warzone Earth.

Read my Anomaly Warzone Earth review.

Jimmy Gems 2011 Winner.

Anomaly Warzone Earth

Anomaly Warzone Earth Gouki Box Art

Jimmy seal of approval Jimmy Gem Winner

5 Stories
Jimmy seal of approval Editor's Choice
Release Date: Apr 8, 2011

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The horse head... WTF?

BatRastered rated Anomaly Warzone Earth Buy it
Mar 30, 2012 by BatRastered


Been playing this on my android recently. Not a bad game but nothing too impressive either ^^. I will feel the XBLA version is too expensive. I got the android version through the Humble Bundle for very cheap ^^

genxsis83 rated Anomaly Warzone Earth Rent it
Mar 30, 2012 by genxsis83


Don't see myself getting this one.

dragonkiss83 has not rated Anomaly Warzone Earth yet.
Apr 1, 2012 by dragonkiss83


I've seen vids of this game before, and I thought how interesting this game is. Might pick this up later on in the future.

Arthvader rated Anomaly Warzone Earth Buy it
Apr 7, 2012 by Arthvader

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