April Fool's Contest 2012

By goukijones — March 19, 2012
Tags: afd-2012 blog

Remember Sheng Long in the EGM from like 20 years ago man? Yeah, something like that. The best "fake" stories will be rewarded with 1600 MSP or $20 PSN cash. Don't be a Jimmy! Who will come up with the best fake video games news or rumor?

Before you get any ideas, check out the last couple of years.

AFD 2010

AFD 2011

Don't do something that's already been done. 

You can use images and video if you like. The more believable the better. Make sure you share your story on our Facebook page, tweet us @goukinews, leave a link on our Raptr page. The more votes, comments and shares for your story the better. 

IF there are good enough stories Gouki.com could select multiple winners. There are no limits on how many winners there can be. There are no limits on how many entries you can submit. We're not guaranteeing a winner either. Make sure you tag your story "AFD-2012." Stories must follow the FAQ guidelines and be approved by Gouki.com. 

Good luck.


Do these have to be posted on April Fools?

Mar 20, 2012 by genxsis83


Yeah. My bad. Only post ur April Fool's stories on April 1st. Don't be a Jimmy! :)

Mar 20, 2012 by goukijones


Aite thanks ^^

Mar 20, 2012 by genxsis83


I remember sitting in the arcades spending quarter after quarter trying to pull off that stupid Sheng Long trick. What pissed me off most was that there were rumors of people actually seeing it done or doing it making it sound like it was real. When I found out it was a Joke I nearly died of emptiness and emotional shock that was duped so well by my most trusted Gaming Magazine. In the end it was freaking funny as shit.

Mar 25, 2012 by Daisymare


I'm just wondering, when do you think you will announce the winners for the AFD contest? there were good entries this time around, and I was just curious, that's all.

Apr 7, 2012 by Arthvader


Winners of the AFD prizes will be announced during Jimmy of the Month. We're giving these stories sometime to get more hits.

Apr 7, 2012 by goukijones

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